Ternary Operator Python

Introduction to Python Ternary Operator

In this blog post, we will check that there is any Python Ternary Operator. The simple answer to this question is that by the introduction of python version 2.5. There is also an addition of a ternary operator in python. The syntax for the same is also shown below:



a if condition else b



The exact one of either a or b is then evaluated and returned based on the Boolean value of the condition, which is first determined. When the condition is True, only an is evaluated and returned; otherwise, only b is evaluated and returned; an is disregarded.

This enables short-circuiting since only an is assessed when the condition is true and b is not evaluated at all, but only b is evaluated when the condition is false.

A conditional statement is an expression; this is important to remember. This means that in a conditional expression, one cannot utilize expressions like pass or assignments with = (or “augmented” assignments like +=). The example for the condition statement in python is shown below:



def my_max(a, b):
    return a if a > b else b




The conditional statement can be thought of as a switch between two values. When the choice is between “one value or another,” we can use it to ensure that the outcome is handled the same way whether or not the condition is satisfied. After computing the value with the expression, we proceed to use it in some way. Use a standard if statement if you need to do a different action depending on the circumstance.



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