row_echelon_form method using elementary operator


import numpy as np
class Matrix:

def __init__(self matrix):

self._matrix = matrix

def type_I_elementary_row_operator (self, i, j):

temp = self._matrix[i].copy()
self._matrix[i] = self._matrix[j]
self._matrix[j] = temp

def type_II_elementary_row_operator (self, number, row):

self._matrix[row] = self._matrix [row] * number

def type III elementary_row_operator (self, number, row1, row2):

temp = self._matrix [row1]. copy() * number
self._matrix [row2] -= temp

Write row_echelon_form method using the elementary operator.


In this question, we have to write a row_echleon_form method using the elementary operator. There is a direct function with the name rref() of Matrix class in python in sympy package.
We have given the code under explanation.
In this question, majorly we convert a matrix to row-echelon form using elementary transformations.
There are certain functions for row transformations already defined in python in the question given.
For the matrix given:
A = 4 7 3 8
8 3 8 7
2 9 5 3
For the above matrix the row echelon form is:
1   1.75   0.75                2
0   1       -0.18181818    0.81818182
0   0        1                     -1.22222222


There is a direct function with the name rref() of Matrix class in python in sympy package. We can directly use it to find the row-echelon form of a matrix as shown below.

The class named Matrix is implemented with a constructor and a private matrix attribute. To perform basic elementary operations, we have defined three functions namely, type_I_elementary_row_operator, type_II_elementary_row_operator and type_III_elementary_row_operator.
We have defined the function row_echelon to convert a matrix to its row-echelon form.

In this function, if the matrix is empty, it is already in echelon form, so we return the same matrix. We check for a non-zero element in the first column, if all elements of 1st column are zeroes, then we perform ref on 2nd column. Eventually, add the first column. if there is no non-zero element in the first row, we swap the row containing non-zero element with 1st-row#, we divide the first row entirely with the first element in that row. All the subsequent rows will be subtracted from the first row. Also, we will multiply with the first column corresponding element. Then, we do the ref on the matrix from the 2nd row and 2nd column. Finally, add the first row and first column.


Below is the code for row_echelon_form method.

import numpy as np

class Matrix:
    def __init__(self, matrix):
    def type_I_elementary_row_operator(self, i, j):
    def type_II_elementary_row_operator(self, number, row):
    def type_III_elementary_row_operator(self, number, row1, row2):
    def row_echelon(self, matrix):
        """ Return Row Echelon Form of matrix A """

        # if the matrix is empty, it is already in echelon form 
        r, c = matrix.shape
        if r == 0 or c == 0:
            return matrix

        # to check for a non-zero element in first column 
        for i in range(len(matrix)):
            if matrix[i,0] != 0:
            # if all elements of 1st column are zeroes 
            # ref is performed on 2nd column 
            T = self.row_echelon(X[:,1:])
            # eventually, add first column 
            return np.hstack([matrix[:,:1], T])

        # if there is no non-zero element in the first row 
        # we swap the row containing non-zero element with 1st row 
        if i > 0:

        # we divide the first row entirely with first element in that row 
        matrix[0] = matrix[0] / matrix[0,0]
        # all subsequent rows will be subtracted with first row 
        # also, will be multiplied with the first column corresponding element 
        matrix[1:] -= matrix[0] * matrix[1:,0:1]

        # we do the ref on the matrix from the 2nd row and 2nd column 
        B = self.row_echelon(matrix[1:,1:])
        #add first row and first column 
        return np.vstack([matrix[:1], np.hstack([matrix[1:,:1], B]) ])

A = np.array([[4, 7, 3, 8],
              [8, 3, 8, 7],
              [2, 9, 5, 3]], dtype='float')



Write row_echelon_form method using elementary operator outut


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