docker not allowing me to connect to 443

Cause of docker not allowing me to connect to 443

This issue of docker not allowing me to connect to 443 mainly arises while connecting HTTP with the docker image. One scenario for the same is on a brand-new dedicated server, a user installed Docker (on a generic ubuntu 14.0 – Linux kernel 3.13.0-71). In order to test the environment, he also installed an Ubuntu Docker image. The problem appears on your screen while the user is loading an HTTPS page but the system does not support the connection. The error for the same occurs as follows:



The main issue of the connection is mainly related to the SSL connections. Let’s check the various solutions one can do to solve this issue. 




The main cause of the problem is that it was connected to a problem with the primary host’s iptables. Running the iptables -L -t nat command. It was found that all HTTPS traffic was pre-routed to port 9092, which was in use by another service.

One solution can be by changing the interface to ’eth0’ wget https://… which leads to the proper working of the docker. The code for the same is:


iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination


Another solution is running the command given below:


echo ipv4 >> ~/.curlrc



Also Read: Linked list Data Structure



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