DigitalOcean Vs Linode 2022


Are you deciding between a Linode VPS and a DigitalOcean VPS?

Or perhaps you’re curious how a more cost-effective choice like SSD Nodes compares to the big three?
In any case, our VPS comparison for 2022 has all the answers!

With a VPS, you unlock a world of possibilities that would be impossible to achieve on shared hosting due to limitations. There are numerous benefits to choosing a VPS; it is less expensive than a completely dedicated server and provides a great deal of freedom and flexibility over shared hosting constraints and restrictions. Only the capabilities of the VPS limit you, so choose one that is powerful enough to match your requirements. If you determine it’s required, you can always upgrade later.


What is DigitalOcean?

DigitalOcean rose to prominence in part owing to its extremely straightforward and low-cost pricing. That advantage has lessened over time, as we’ll see in the Linode breakdown, but you can still get fantastic deals all around DigitalOcean’s portfolio. Whether you’re spinning up a droplet for a few hours or months, their pricing page makes it simple to see what your bill will look like. For 1GB RAM, 1 core processor, 25GB SSD, and 1TB of transfer, their smallest package will set you back $.007 per hour.


What is Linode?

Linode, which first entered the virtual private server market in 2003, has a significantly different take on the industry. While their product portfolio isn’t as extensive as that of a “full-featured” cloud provider like Microsoft Azure or Amazon, their dedication to providing a world-class Linux server experience in the cloud is unwavering.

Linode can match DigitalOcean’s $5/mo offering with a 1GB RAM “nano de” with a single core, 25GB SSD disc space, and a 1TB transfer plan that will be familiar to DigitalOcean customers. Low-end to moderate users won’t find much of a difference between the two firms’ offerings, with the variances largely consisting of a gig or two here and there, but Linode steps up their game for heavy users, in terms of performance and reliability.


Why Choose DigitalOcean

  1. While Linode will be launching a managed MySQL database service this autumn, if you require managed Database right now, Digital Ocean is perhaps the way to go.
  2. Object Storage and a built-in CDN. While Linode supports third-party CDN services, the fact that Digital Ocean bundles them together is noteworthy.
  3. More Apps that can be started with a single click Preconfigured 1-click apps can help you save time and avoid the trouble of manually spinning up and provisioning servers. While Linode provides a marketplace of one-click applications, the DO library has been around for a while and has a larger selection of software. They also have several Kubernetes apps in their roadmap, whereas Linode does not.
  4. IPs that float. You can use Floating IPs to divert traffic.

Why choose Linode

  1. Want unrestricted access to the greatest customer service? Free no-handoff human support, including phone support, which Digital Ocean does not provide.
  2. DDoS protection, Cloud GPUs, and Bare Metal are examples of advanced services that only Linode Provide and Digital Ocean don’t.
  3. Regions with more global data center locations Linode has 11 regional data center locations, while Digital       Oceans only has 8. Tokyo, Sydney, Atlanta, and Dallas are among the other Linode regions.
  4. Users want the best hardware available. Linode has the flexibility to decide on the hardware that offers the best bang for the buck. As a result, Linode was the first alternative cloud service to use AMD EPYC Naples and Rome processors. AMD has been beating Intel recently, and their new EPYC processor is no exception.

Does DigitalOcean or Linode have a bigger Community?

Both DigitalOcean and Linode have vibrant communities focused on open source, Linux, virtual private server hosting, and cloud computing in general. While DigitalOcean has a significant advantage in terms of sheer numbers. DigitalOcean boasts a global developer community of over 4 million people. With their clients in 195 countries who have collectively spun up more than 150 million DigitalOcean droplets. The figures show DigitalOcean’s growing presence in cloud computing, with services ranging from basic web hosting for small PHP websites to complicated data farms for major organizations with thousands of CPU cores. These are remarkable achievements for a cloud company that only began operations in 2012 before opening data centers in San Francisco, Singapore, and London.


Price comparison of DigitalOcean Vs Linode:

DigitalOcean Vs Linode price comparison

DigitalOcean Vs Linode, which one is better to use?

Both DigitalOcean and Linode have become easier to use over time. But they remain cloud hosting providers geared toward technical developers and DevOps engineers. Unmanaged hosting plans with a 99.9% uptime SLA, block storage to suit your apps’ demands, downtime mitigation, high availability features like Linode’s load balancer NodeBalancer, and power features to enable complicated enterprise cloud deployments are all available on both platforms. The platforms’ comprehensive capability makes them excellent for such customers. But they are not good for tiny, one-off initiatives by small teams, where the complexity of providing, running, and maintaining infrastructure from scratch can be overwhelming.

DigitalOcean Vs Linode

Company Profile



Years providing public cloud 8 18
Data centers regions 8 11
Non- cloud Bussinesses none none
User-friendly cloud interface yes yes
Cloud GPUs No yes
Latest AMD CPUs Yes Yes


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