Operations with negative numbers

Operations with negative numbers

In operations with negative numbers firstly the negative number is a number that its value is less than zero. Negative numbers are symbolized by a minus or a dash (-) sign in front of a number.

  • Addition

When adding a negative and a positive integer together, subtract the number and write the sign of the greater number value. In other words, when small negative number is added to a larger positive number, the number are subtracted and given a positive sign.

For example, 8 + (- 1) = 7.

Similarly, when a small positive and a big negative number are added, the sum is always negative.

For example, – 5 + 2 = – 3.


  • Subtraction

         Subtracting a number is the same as adding the opposite of the number.
For example, -6 – -9
This Question has two signs next to each other,when this happens, you can substitute the pair for a singlr function to simplify the calculation.
++ or — are replaced by +
+- or -+ are replaced by –
so,-6–9 becomes -6+9
Following the same steps as before gives an answer of 3


  • Multiplication and division of negative integers

The methods for multiplying and dividing negative numbers are completely different from those for adding and subtracting.

Firstly, Ignore the negative signs and complete multiplication or division with positive numbers. After calculating,

If they are both negative or both positive, the answer will be positive.

If there is one negative, then the answer will be negative.

When a negative integer is multiplied by another negative integer, the product is positive.

Example, -4 x -4 = 16

Similarly, dividing a negative integer by another negative integer results in a positive quotient.

Multiplication of a positive integer by another negative integer results in a negative product.

Example, -2 x 5 = -10

And the division is a positive integer by a negative result in a negative quotient.



Also read the Expressions and Equations

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