error: failed building wheel for wordcloud

Cause of error: failed building wheel for wordcloud

This error: failed building wheel for wordcloud arises while installing the word cloud into your system using the pip command. The major cause of this error is not having the updated version of word cloud or python in your system. The error seems as given below:




There are a variety of solutions available to solve the above problem. The first one is to check the version of python you are using. It ensures that the following version is suitable or not the version of wordcloud that you are trying to install. You can check the version by navigating to the following link: Link

After checking the version the next step is to run the following command to install the wordcloud into your system. 



pip install wordcloud -version-compatible-operatingsystem



One more method to install the same in the anaconda prompt is to run the following command in the anaconda terminal. 



conda install -c conda-forge wordcloud



Another method in the row is by creating a virtual environment in python and then try installing the wordcloud using the pip command. If the virtual environment method does not work try installing wordcloud in the anaconda terminal using the pip command only. 

As the last step after installing the wordcloud in your anaconda start the python shell and import the wordcloud module. 


Also Read: no matching function for call to rctbridgemodulenameforclass



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