Exact Value of Trig Functions

The problem of Exact Value of Trig Functions

In this blog, we will learn how one can calculate the exact value of trig functions or we can say the trigonometric functions. using a programming language. The trigonometric functions include sine, cosecant, cosine, secant, tangent, and cotangent. This will help us to calculate not only the value of these functions in degrees but in radian as well.




To solve this problem firstly one must understand how to convert a fractional value into a decimal one. In the end to find the exact value of any radian trigonometric function one would need to divide that number by pi only. 

The code in python to convert any integer number to decimal is shown below:

a = 9





In the above code, we have used the float function of python to convert the integer value of a to a decimal one.

For the calculation of the exact value of the trigonometric function, another way is that one should import the math module into their system and then use the inbuilt function in their module.  The code for the same is also shown below:



# importing math module
import math
x = 1
# calling the sin function on value x



The output appears as follows:


Similarly, we can calculate the values of cosecant, cosine, secant, tangent, and cotangent using their respective functions. 



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