What is K Nearest Neighbours in Machine Learning


In this blog, we would discuss What is K Nearest Neighbours in Machine Learning. The K Nearest Neighbours algorithm is one of the most basic machine learning algorithms. It’s simple to understand, but powerful enough to be used in many applications. This article takes a look at how it works and what kinds of things you can do with it!

KNN is a lazy learning algorithm because it never actually makes any predictions until after all of the training data has been processed (or at least until after all of the training samples have been processed). This means that KNN can be applied even when there aren’t enough training samples available yet; however, this also means that sometimes we may need more than one pass through our dataset if we want better results than just knowing which neighbors are closest neighbors based on their distance from us as opposed to knowing which ones were closest before applying KNN again (which takes longer).


What is the KNN (K-Nearest-Neighbors) algorithm?

The K-Nearest-Neighbors (KNN) algorithm is a supervised learning algorithm that can be used to classify data, such as text and images. KNN finds the k nearest neighbors of each training example, which gives us a lower bound on its classification probability given the values in that example.

The KNN algorithm has two phases:

  • Training phase: You train your model on some data set by predicting labels for new samples while keeping track of how well they were predicted by other training examples (the “label” column). This way we can learn from our mistakes and improve our predictions later on if we have more experience with similar datasets.
  • Testing phase: We then test this trained model on new unseen samples where we hope it will classify them correctly!



How does the KNN Algorithm work?

The KNN algorithm works by finding all the points that are nearest to the test point. The most similar points are those that have an equal distance from your test point, and they are called neighbors. For example, if you had a set of samples from a population, then you could find out which individuals belong together based on their similarities in features (e.g., weight).



How do we choose a value for K?

KNN is an unsupervised learning algorithm. This means that it doesn’t require you to label your data, and it doesn’t require you to specify how many clusters there are in your data. We run the KNN method numerous times with various values of K, and we choose the K that minimizes the errors we encounter while keeping the algorithm’s ability to produce precise predictions. Our predictions get less accurate when K is lowered until it equals 1. On the other hand, when we raise the value of K, majority averaging makes our forecasts more stable and increases the likelihood that they will be accurate.



The Curse of Dimensionality and Feature Scaling.

Feature scaling is the process of reducing the number of features used to predict a target variable. The goal is to reduce dimensionality (the number of variables) and thus increase accuracy, while also reducing computational complexity.

How do we scale features? There are two main approaches:

  • Scaling by feature subspace reduction. This method reduces each feature’s contribution to a prediction by clustering it into its own subspace, which can then be used for prediction instead of using just one single linear combination for all features at once (this approach can be seen as an extension of SVD).
  • Scaling by feature projection onto higher dimensional space(s). For example, if you have three dimensions like age-height-weight then you could project each individual’s data onto these three dimensions simultaneously before making predictions based on them together; this would allow us much faster computations than if we only considered one dimension at a time!



KNN is a simple to understand, yet powerful machine learning algorithm.

KNN can be defined as a non-parametric learner with its own parameters which means the learner does not require any knowledge about the number of samples in your dataset before it starts learning your data set! This makes KNN very easy to use but also allows us to build complex models without having any prior knowledge about how our model will perform on unseen data (i.e., unseen training set).




We’ve covered everything you need to know about KNN. It’s a simple algorithm that can be applied to a wide variety of problems, but it has some limitations when applied in real-life situations. The main advantage of using KNN over other methods such as SVM or Bayesian Classifiers is that they require large amounts of training examples before they start making predictions.



Also, read – What is the 176B Parameter Bloom Model.


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