Ways to remove the newline character in python

In this blog, we would discuss Ways to remove the newline character in python. If you want to remove the newline character from a string, you can use the string.replace() method. This method takes two arguments: the first is the character to be replaced, and the second is the replacement character. You can also use the string.strip() method to remove newline characters from the beginning and end of a string. This function will remove all the characters from the right side of the string, including the newline character.




Ways to remove the newline character from the string


There are many ways to remove newlines from a string. Here are some popular methods:


Method 1:


Use the replace() method to replace all occurrences of \r with an empty string.



Method 2:


Use the split() method to split the string by \r and then join() the resulting array into a string.





Implementation of ways to remove newline characters in python


There are a few ways to remove newline characters from a string.


1. Using the replace method


2. Using the split method



1. Using the replace method One way to remove newline characters from a string is to use the replace method. This method takes two arguments: the old value and the new value. In our case, we want to replace newline characters with an empty string. Here’s an example:


str = "Hello\nWorld" 
str.replace("\n", "")






In the code above, we first create a string variable called str. This string contains a newline character between the words “Hello” and “World”. Next, we use the replace method to replace all occurrences of the newline character with an empty string. Finally, we print the string to the console using the puts method. This prints the string without the newline character.



2. Using the split method Another way to remove newline characters from a string is to use the split method. This method splits a string into an array of substrings, using a specified separator character as the delimiter. We can use the split method to split a string on the newline character, which will result in an array of substrings. We can then join the substrings back together into a single string, without the newline character. Here’s an example:


strr = "Hello \n World" 
str_array = strr.split("\n") 
strr = "".join(str_array)






In the code above, we first create a string variable called strr. This string contains a newline character between the words “Hello” and “World”. Next, we use the split method to split the string on the newline character. This produces an array of two substrings: “Hello” and “World”. Finally, we use the join method to join the substrings back together into a single string. This string does not contain the newline character.




Also, read about the Strip function in python.


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