Relational algebra in SQL

Here is the relational algebra in SQL

Relational algebra in SQL is a procedural query language(PQL). It consists of a set of unary or binary operations that take input as one or two database relations and produce a new table as their output. The unary and binary operations are select, project, union, set difference, Cartesian product, and rename.


Fundamental operations in relational algebra:


The select operation is a unary operation that selects certain tuples that satisfy a given condition. We denote select operation by the lower case Greek letter sigma (σ).

For example, consider the table instructor

ID name dept_ name salary
76766 Crick Biology 72000
45565 Katz Comp. Sci. 75000
10101 Srinivasan Comp. Sci. 65000
83821 Brandt Comp. Sci. 92000
98345 Kim Elec. Eng. 80000
12121 Wu Finance 90000
76543 Singh Finance 80000
32343 El-Said History 60000
58583 Califieri History 62000







To select those tuples of the instructor relation where the instructor is in the “Finance” department, we write:

σdept_name = “Finance”(instructor )


12121 Wu Finance 90000
76543 Singh Finance 80000

We can find all instructors with salaries greater than $90,000 by writing:

σsalary>90000 (instructor)


83821 Brandt Comp. Sci. 92000


It is a unary operation that projects its row, with certain attributes left out. Since a relation is a set, any duplicate rows are discarded. We denote the projection operation by the uppercase Greek letter pi (π).

For example,

πID, name, salary (instructor )


This operation is used to perform a union of the two relational databases. It is denoted by ∪.

Set difference:

The set-difference operation is denoted by the symbol −, allows us to find the difference between two relations. The expression table1− table2 produces a relation containing those tuples in table1 but not in table2.

Cartesian product:

The Cartesian-product operation is denoted by a cross symbol(×), which allows us to combine two relations. We write the Cartesian product of relations table1 and table2 as table1 × table2.

for example:


1 Anu F 19
2 Ram M 20


1 DS

Output: Table1 X Table2

1 Anu F 19 DS
1 Anu F 19 DS
2 Ram M 20 DBMS
2 Ram M 20 DBMS


The rename operator is a unary operation and it is denoted by the lowercase Greek letter rho (ρ).


Also, read Creating an ER diagram for a class and stuck on what entities I can create.


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