
In this blog post, we will teach our users that what is the meaning behind the term nodecat. It is basically the implementation of the cat command in node.js. An example of the same is as follows:





There are certain features of the same that one should always keep in mind:


  • supports either the default copying of stdin or explicit c. 


  • copying with the name does byte-for-byte copies of all files without requiring a working encoding.


  • Besides any buffering carried out by the stream and the internals of libuv/Node, does not buffer any input or output.
    Implementation of readable.prototype.pipe).


  • gently handle both read and write faults.


  • complies with the POSIX -u option specification (which is ignored, since it is always unbuffered).


  • accepts filenames that start with – after the — option delimiter because it recognizes it.


  • Caller-provided streams and asynchronous, non-blocking APIs facilitate concurrency use cases.



To install the nodecat package one need to run the command shown below in the promo:

 npm install nodecat


The above command will install it into your machine. To concatenate a file one should run the below command:



$ nodecat -- -unfortunate-name.html footer.html > combined.html



Instead of using process.stdout, which does synchronous writes, when nodecat is called on huge files and stdout is directed to a file, fs.createWriteStream(‘-‘, fd: 1) may be more advantageous. 



Also Read: Check if each node of a binary tree has exactly one child


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