maximum call stack size exceeded error in javascript

What is the maximum call stack size?

The maximum call stack size exceeded error in javascript is caused when the call stack exceeds the maximum allowable size. This can be caused by recursive functions, or by too many nested functions. The error will usually occur when the code is executed and can cause the program to crash or freeze.

For eg.

(function call_stack(){


maximum call stack size exceeded
As you can see, the call stack grows until it hits a limit: the browser hardcoded stack size or memory exhaustion.



How to fix the maximum call stack size exceeded error?

There are a few ways to fix this error. One way is to reduce the amount of code that is causing the error. You can do this by simplifying your code, or by using smaller arrays and objects.

You can also try to optimize your code by using functions that are more efficient, or by caching values that are used multiple times. If you are using a library or framework, make sure to use the latest version, as older versions may not be as efficient.

Another way to fix the maximum call stack size error is to increase the amount of memory that is available to your code. This can be done by increasing the size of your JavaScript engine’s heap size.

Fixing the above-given example by simply adding the base condition in a recursive function like this:

(function call_stack(size){
    if ( !size) {


If you wanna go in-depth on javascript. Please read the documentation.

Also, read our Java Tutorials.


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