Listing entity types and relationship types


How does listing entity types and relationship types, become of use by stakeholders to develop a database?


In the given question we have to list entity types and relationship types, become of use by stakeholders to develop a database. We have listed some below.


Useful in the data modeling is the reason to list the listing entity types and relationship types by the stakeholder. And also data modeling is useful to check how the data is going to store and manage.

Data modeling provides the following helps to the stakeholders:

  • Improve Quality:

In this type, if the stakeholder knows the entity types and relationship types then it is easy for them to have premature coding. So it helps in to save their time, efforts, And also the end result is good.

  • Reduced Cost:

In this, it helps the coder or developer to reduce the number of errors in the program. So it makes the program easy to run. And it will then reduce the cost of the project.

  • Reduce errors:

Errors are reduced as it is easy to make a vision with the data model. So our vision is clear with the data model. And we can easily identify the error. It is also useful as it saves time.

  • Clearer Scope:

It also gives a clear scope to the developers. So they know from the start what and how they have to do. And also they know what will be the output and how will the program work.

  • Saves Time:

Having a clear scope of what and how to do makes a work lot easy. Also, they can easily generate the algorithm for the program. So it saves a lot of time.

In the end, it makes it a developers easy to code the program and also for stakeholders. And helps to build quality software within budget and a considerable amount of time.


Also, read gradient of a convex and differentiable function.


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