How to convert int to binary in python

In this blog, we would discuss How to convert int to binary in python. Converting an int to binary is a common operation in computer programming. The process is simple: divide the int by 2 and take the remainder. Repeat the process with the resulting int until it equals 0. The binary number will be the reverse of the remainders.



For example, let’s convert int 13 to binary. We divide 13 by 2 and get 6 with a remainder of 1. Then divide 6 by 2 and get 3 with a remainder of 0. We divide 3 by 2 and get 1 with a remainder of 1. Then divide 1 by 2 and get 0 with a remainder of 1. The binary number is 1101, which is 1*23 + 1*22 + 0*21 + 1*20. This process can be easily implemented in a computer program. 




How to convert int to binary


To convert an integer to binary, you first need to understand what binary numbers are. Binary numbers are numbers that are expressed in base 2, which means that there are only two digits: 0 and 1. Every number can be expressed in binary, though it may be a large number of digits. The next step is to determine the number of bits you will need to represent your integer. The number of bits is determined by the largest number in the range you want to represent.



For example, if you want to represent the numbers 0 through 7, you will need 3 bits because the largest number in that range is 7 (111 in binary). Once you know the number of bits you need, you can start converting your integer to binary.


The easiest way to do this is to start with the number of bits you need and work your way down. For each bit, you will multiply the number by 2 and write down the answer. If the answer is greater than or equal to the integer you are converting, you will write a 1 in that bit’s position and subtract the integer from the answer. Otherwise, you will write a 0.



Here’s an example: Say you want to convert the integer 4 to binary. You would start with 3 bits because 4 is the largest number in the range 0-7. The first bit would be 4*2=8. Since 8 is greater than 4, you would write a 1 in the first bit’s position and subtract 4 from 8, leaving you with 4. The second bit would be 4*2=8. Since 8 is greater than 4, you would write a 1 in the second bit’s position and subtract 4 from 8, leaving you with 0. The third bit would be 0*2=0. Since 0 is not greater than 4, you would write a 0 in the third bit’s position. So the binary number for 4 is 100.





Implementation of Int to binary 


Let’s try it in Python:


def int_to_binary(n):

  if n >= 1:

    int_to_binary(n // 2)

  print(n % 2, end = '')







Python has a built-in function called bin that you can use to convert an integer to a binary string. For example, if we want to convert the integer 12 to a binary string, we can do so like this:









As you can see, the returned string starts with 0b, which is how Python represents a binary string. If you want to remove the 0b from the beginning of the string, you can use the string slicing method:









You can also use the format() method to format an integer as a binary string. To do this, you use the ‘b’ format specifier like this:



format(a, 'b') 







If you want to go the other way and convert a binary string to an integer, you can use the int function with the second argument of 2.


int('101', 2)






Also, read – Implementation of Principal Component Analysis


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