function rcpp_precious_remove not provided by package rcpp

Cause of function rcpp_precious_remove not provided by package rcpp

This error function rcpp_precious_remove not provided by package rcpp occurs while creating the database and installing the DBI package. Some people try reinstalling the DBI and RSQLite packages but then too they are still getting the error. The error seems as follows:


The ‘Rcpp’ package offers seamless integration of R and C++ by providing both R functions and C++ classes. Many R data types and objects can be mapped to their equivalents in C++, making it easy to write new code and integrate third-party libraries.

You don’t use assignment to build functions as you do in R; the syntax to create a function is the same as the syntax to call a function.

The output type that the function produces must be declared. This procedure provides an int (a scalar integer). NumericVector, IntegerVector, CharacterVector, and LogicalVector are the classes representing the four types of R vectors that are used most frequently.

One can solve this error by installing the rcpp package. To install this package just write the following code:




One can also update the rcpp version if you are dealing with another package also. For this, you can use the above command or you can use the packages panel in the RStudio to update the package. The steps image for the following is given below:

function rcpp_precious_remove not provided by package rcpp



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