Entity relationship diagram with only crow’s foot notation


Make a logical entity-relationship diagram with only crow’s foot notation based on the following information.
BigM operates stores in many cities in Australia. Stores are reference by store number.
BigM also keeps store name, phone, fax, email for each store.

Each store has several departments, for example, finance, accounts, sales, customer service etc. So A department can appear in many stores. For each department, there is a department ID, department name, phone, and e-mail address.
So Each department has several employees. For each employee, BigM keeps a record of their employee ID, first name, last name, phone, date of birth, start date of his/her work, hourly rate, annual salary, and tax file number.

Each store is managed by an employee as a store manager and each department is supervised by an employee. The department supervisor is also the supervisor for all the staffs within that department.
So Each store may be assigned a supervising store where all training, payroll, server application and help desk are located.

BigM sells different products like CDs, cloths, computers, etc. For each product it stores product number, product description, product size and price.
Customer may place orders in the store. Customer details are always taken at each order. A customer is referenced by a customer number, customer first & last names, and phone number, if available.

A customer may order more than one product at a time, and they may order multiple copies of the same product. BigM also records the date a product arrives and the date when it is pick up by the customer. Note that these dates may be different for each product.
With an explanation if possible.


An entity-relationship diagram is used to show the connection between entities and the attributes. And how they are connected to each other.

So Based on the above description, the ER Diagram will have following entities:

Entities Attributes
Store Store_No, Name, Phone, Fax, Email
Department Department_ID, DepartmentName, Dphone, DEmail
Employee EmployeeID, F_Name, L_Name, EPhone, DOB, Start_Date, HourlyRate, AnnualSal, TaxFileNo
Customer CustomerNo, F_Name, L_Name, Phone
Products ProductNo, Description, Size, Price, ArriveDate, PickDate


The required ER Diagram is:

entity relationship diagram


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