Creating an ER diagram for a class and stuck on what entities I can create.


I am creating an ER diagram for a class and stuck on what entities I can create. The topic that has been choosing was the Collection of Data of Natural Disasters(Earthquakes, Tornados, Floods, Hurricanes). I need to Create 5 entities that can be used in an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). In words or in a diagram, represent cardinality and optionality. Each entity should also have at least one attribute created. For example, One entity I have created is the Region_US that will represent the 4 regions in the US (East, West, Midwest, South, East). I need a little assistance on possible Entities to connect to this, Like DISASTER_TYPE that will represent one of the different natural disasters.


In this question, we create an ER diagram i.e. Entity relationship diagram. The topic for this is the Collection of Data of Natural Disasters. For which we have 5 entities. So where at least one attribute was created.


Basically, we draw an ER diagram i.e. Entity relationship diagram. To show the Collection of Data of Natural Disasters. So examples of this are Earthquakes, Tornados, Floods, Hurricanes, etc. And for this, we have different-different entities. So these entities are related to each other in different ways. Which we will see in the diagram. So ER diagram is made up of different symbols and shapes. Each one in the diagram has a different and unique value.

So in this diagram, we will have unique entities and they are as follows:

    • Region_US: In this, we will have different regions of the US.
    • Disaster_Type: And this will use to show what kind of Disaster is happened.
    • Location_Type: This is used to show the perfect location of the disaster.
    • Loss: So this will show us that how much amount of loss is happening.
    • People: This is used to show how many people are affected.


And the ER diagram for a class we have is below.

ER diagram for a class and stuck


Also read, Insertion sort and Quicksort


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