Compare Write back and Write through


System Program, Compare Write back and Write through and explain which one is more appropriate for DRAM cache, and why.


Here in this question we compare the Write back and Write through. Also, we have explained which one is more appropriate for DRAM cache, and why. So we have explained both the policies. And here DRAM which means Dynamic Random Access Memory.


  •  Writeback through policy
    In this type of policy when we update any data. At that time Data will get an update in the main memory as well as in the cache. And that we can update the data if there is no cache available. So we need the main memory for this.
  • Writeback policy
    In this type of policy, we need the cache first. Because here first data will get an update in the cache and then in the main memory. And data will only get an update in the main memory if it is rewritten by some other data. So the cache is a must in this policy.


Basically, Write back policy will be more appropriate for DRAM. Now here DRAM stands for Dynamic Random Access Memory. So Cache will be used effectively if we use this policy. When we use this policy at that time both the memory and the cache get updated. Which avoids inconsistency. As we explain before we need not the cache in the writeback through policy but we need cache in the writeback policy.

So here we can say that the writeback policy suits the best for DRAM( Dynamic Random Access Memory).


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