Answer the question related to computer engineers, risk/hazard to computer engineers, issues/diseases, etc.

  •  What is the occupational risk/hazard to computer engineers? How does it affect their health?

There are many risks/hazards to computer engineers’ health. They suffer from both mental and physical health. Mental health as they continually have to see on the computer screen. As well as their office life is almost in that computers. And when it comes to their physical health they have a job of sitting continuously for around 10 hours. So they don’t have physical exercise or movement. Also as they have to continually have to see on the screen which also causes eye irritation.



  •  What are the possible health issues/diseases that they can acquire in their work?

Here Obesity is the major disease that also then causes hypertension. Also, there are many diseases like diabetes, stroke, sleep apnea, respiratory diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Also then it can cause pain in the body joints and Muscles by the continuous sitting work.



  •  Is the career computer engineering bad for one’s health? Why or why not?

Not at all. If you exercise regularly then you will not have any problem sitting more than 10 hours continuously. You need proper Health and Mental health. So You just need proper exercise and diet to maintain your health. One needs this all to be in this Profession. If you work well this is a good profession for one.



  •  Is this career path only for those who are physically healthy people?

No, this is not a career path only for those who are physically healthy people. Yes, we all know that physical health is very important. But it also provides facilities to people who are not physically fit. For example, some are handicapped. So they can also apply for a career in this. Also, it provides a facility for them to work from one place. So that they don’t have to move.



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