10k untracked files git

What are untracked files in git?

Untracked files in Git are files that are not yet tracked by the Git repository. They are not added to the repository when you initially clone it, and they are not added when you add new files to the repository.


There are a few reasons why you might want to track files in Git. The most common reason is that you want to commit the files to the repository and share them with other people. When you add files to the Git repository, Git creates a commit that includes all of the changes to the files in the repository. This makes it easy to track the changes that have been made to the files and to revert back to previous versions if necessary.


Another reason to track files in Git is to keep track of the changes that have been made to the files. Git stores all of the changes to a file as a “diff” and you can view the diffs to see the changes that have been made.



There are two ways to fix this 10k untracked files git.

The first fix is by Committing the Untracked files using the following commands.


git add .


By using the above command you will add all of the files in the current directory (including the 10k untracked files git), and then use this command


git commit -m '10k untracked files git solved'


And after running the above command, push to the remote origin.



The second fix is by removing the untracked files in git:

Removing untracked files from a Git repository is a very simple process. All you need to do is run the git clean command. This will remove all untracked files and directories from your repository.


However, you should be careful when using the git clean command. If you use it incorrectly, you can delete files that you still need. So be sure to only use the git clean command if you are sure that you no longer need the untracked files.


If you are sure that you no longer need the untracked files, you can run the git clean command like this:


git clean -n -d


The above command shows the list of untracked files. And if you wanna delete the untracked files then follow the next command.


git clean -f -d

This will delete all untracked files and directories from your repository. If you wanna learn more about git clean check out their official documentation.


Also, read Python Tutorials.


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