What are the usage of getfiletype ?

What is Getfiletype?

The c language has a built-in function called “getfiletype” which can be used to determine the type of a given file. The function takes a single argument, which is the name of the file to be tested, and returns a string indicating the file type. Possible return values include “text file”, “binary file”, “executable file”, and “directory”.
The usage of getfiletype for determining the type of a file before opening it, in order to determine whether the file is likely to contain data that can be read or interpreted, or whether it is an executable program that will be run when opened.

What are the usage of getfiletype ?

  • The getfiletype() function can help you to determine the file type of a given file. This function takes a single argument, the name of the file, and returns a string that indicates the type of the file.
  • Possible values for the string returned by this function include “text/plain”, “application/pdf”, and “image/jpeg”.
  • This function can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as identifying the type of a file so that you can open it with the correct application, or verifying that a file is of a particular type.
  • Additionally, you can use this function to create a list of all the file types that are associated with a given extension.
  • For example, the following code will create a list of all the file types that have the extension “.txt”:

How does it work?

The function first checks the file extension to see if it is a known file type. If the file extension is not a known file type, the function then checks the file contents to see if it contains any known file types. If the file type is not found in either of these checks, the function returns the string “Unknown”.
The following table lists the file extensions and the corresponding file types that the function returns.File Extension File Type


.txt Text file

.jpg JPEG image

.png PNG image

.gif GIF image

.swf Flash file

.mp3 MP3 audio file

.avi AVI video file

.doc Microsoft Word document



What are the benefits?

The getfiletype() function is used to return the file type of a given file. This function is particularly useful for determining the file type of a given file before opening it. This can help to ensure that the file is opened in the correct application, or that the file is not opened at all.


For the example please check out this program.

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