TypeError: module object is not callable

What is Typeerror: module object is not callable?

Typeerror: module object is not callable is an error that can occur in Python programs when the module object is not callable. This error can be fixed by making the module object callable.

How does this error occur?

One possibility is that you are trying to call a module that you have not imported into your script. 

Another possibility is that you are trying to call a module that you have imported, but that module does not contain a function that you are trying to call.


Let’s suppose you have a class called StudyExperts in a file called StudyExperts.py, and you import StudyExperts class in Test.py file.


class StudyExperts:
    students = 10


import StudyExperts

obj1 = StudyExperts();

When you run the Test.py, you will be getting this error

TypeError: module object is not callable



How do you fix the Typeerror: module object is not callable?

In Python, a module is a script, and the script name is determined by the filename in our case StudyExperts is the name. So when you start out your file StudyExperts.py with import StudyExperts you are creating a loop in the module structure.


Typeerror: module object is not callable


You need to change the import statement if you want to fix this error.


from StudyExperts import StudyExperts

obj1 = StudyExperts();

When you changed to from StudyExperts import StudyExperts , you will get the error fixed.


In Python, methods are just attributes like every other and everything (including modules, methods, classes, etc.) is an object. So, there are no unique namespaces for methods. So when you set an instance attribute, it resembles the class attribute by the same name. The solution is to give attributes unique names.


Another way to fix this error is to make sure that you are calling the correct object or method.


If you are certain that you are calling the correct function or object, then there may be a problem with your code. Check your code for typos or other errors.


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