no matching function for call to getline

Cause of error no matching function for call to getline

This problem no matching function for call to getline occurs while programming in the C++ programming language. The cause of the problem is that if “cin” reads a space in a string, it will fail. Use the function “getline” if you want the program to read in a single line of space-delimited text. The error looks like as shown below: 



C++’s initial “c” “In” stands for “input,” while “cin” is for “character.” CIN stands for “character input,” then. The istream class is where the C++ cin object resides. It is connected to stdin, the typical C input source, and accepts input from a conventional input device, such as a keyboard.

There is a list of solutions available for the above problem. The first one is that once came to notice that the third parameter in the given function must be a character type, not a null-terminated string consisting of characters. 



getline(cin, my_name, '\n');



Another misconception is that cin won’t “break,” though. Just that word-by-word reading is how structured extraction into a std::string is intended to work. That was planned. It’s not damaged. 

The delimiter argument in your call to std::getline is invalid since it is the incorrect type. Not at all what you expected, “n” is a char array literal while “n” is a char literal.

Another solution is by adding the below line at the top of your code:



#include <fstream>



Also Read: no matching function for call to rctbridgemodulenameforclass



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