In C++, Write a program that stores book data (title, author name, ISB#, publisher (name), year of publication) using tree data structure.
The program is written in C++. A tree data structure is implemented which has each node as a book detail. Each of these nodes has the basic details about a book. All the details about all the books are printed as output to the console.
A class called ‘node’ is defined. This class consists of the title of a book, the author name, the publisher name, year, and the ISB number of the book as its data members. Basically, the node class stores book data. Then a parameterized constructor is defined and is used to initialize the data of the book. A function called display() is defined and it is used to display all the details about a book. Lastly in the main method, three objects are declared and the arguments are passed to the constructor. The data is displayed using the display method.
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #include <iomanip> /* to have the node in the tree data structure */ /* to implement the given book store scenario */ class node //This class stores book data { public: /* getting basic details about a book in the book store */ string title, authorName, publisher; int isbn, year; /* pointing to left and right nodes */ node* lt; node* rt; /* parametrized constructor */ node(string t,string an,string p,int i,int y) { title=t; authorName=an; publisher=p; isbn=i; year=y; lt=NULL; rt=NULL; } /* to display the details about a book */ void display() { cout<<left; cout<<setw(20)<<title<<setw(20)<<authorName<<setw(20); cout<<publisher<<setw(8)<<isbn<<setw(8)<<year<<endl; } }; int main() { /* defining first node in the tree */ node *nd1=new node("Wings of Fire","Abdul Kalam","Pearson",3240,1998); node *nd2=new node("Bahubali","Rajamouli","Dil Raj",3241,2015); node *nd3=new node("Love Story","Sekhar Kammala","Suresh Babu",3242,2021); /* to have a node with left and right branches */ nd1->lt=nd2; nd1->rt=nd3; cout<<left; cout<<setw(20)<<"Title"<<setw(20)<<"Author Name"<<setw(20); cout<<"Publisher"<<setw(8)<<"ISBN"<<setw(8)<<"Year"<<endl; nd1->display(); nd1->lt->display(); nd1->rt->display(); }