Find the error in C code
I got an error every time I do not know the problem with my compiler or something else:
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdio.h> #include "w6p2.h" // Function: 1. Get user input of int type and validate for a positive number int getIntPositive(int* i_num) { int integer_num = 0; do { scanf("%d", &integer_num); if (integer_num < 1) { printf("ERROR: Enter a positive value: "); } } while (integer_num < 1); if (i_num != NULL) { *i_num = integer_num; } return(integer_num); } // Function: 2. Get user input of double type and validate for a positive number double getDoublePositive(double* d_num) { double double_num = 0.0; while (double_num < 1.0) { scanf("%lf", &double_num); if (double_num < 1) { printf("ERROR: Enter a positive value: "); } } if (d_num != NULL) { *d_num = double_num; } return(double_num); } // Function: 3. Opening Message void openingMessage(const int msg) { printf("Cat Food Cost Analysis\n"); printf("======================\n\n"); printf("Enter the details for %d dry food bags of product data for analysis.\n", MAXIMUM_PRODUCT); printf("NOTE: A 'serving' is %dg\n\n", TOTAL_GRAMS); } // Function: 4. Get user input for cat food product struct CatFoodInfo getCatFoodInfo(const int i) { struct CatFoodInfo foodData = { 0 }; double Rate, Weight; int Sku, Calories; printf("Cat Food Product #%d\n", i + 1); printf("--------------------\n"); printf("SKU : "); foodData.sku = getIntPositive(&Sku); printf("PRICE : $"); foodData.product_rate = getDoublePositive(&Rate); printf("WEIGHT (LBS) : "); foodData.weight_lbs = getDoublePositive(&Weight); printf("CALORIES/SERV.: "); foodData.calories = getIntPositive(&Calories); printf("\n"); return(foodData); } // Function: 5. Display the formatted table header void displayCatFoodHeader(void) { printf("\n"); printf("SKU $Price Bag-lbs Cal/Serv\n"); printf("------- ---------- ---------- --------\n"); } // Function: 6. Display a formatted record of cat food data void displayCatFoodData(const int sku, const double price, const int calories, const double lbs) { printf("%07d %10.2lf %10.1lf %8d\n", sku, price, lbs, calories); } // Function: 8. convert lbs to kg double convertLbsKg(const double* lbs, double* kg) { double i; i = *lbs / KG_IN_LBS; if (kg != NULL) { *kg = i; } return(i); } // Function: 9. convert lbs to g int convertLbsG(const double* lbs, int* g) { int j; j = convertLbsKg(lbs, 0) * 1000; if (g != NULL) { *g = j; } return(j); } // Function: 10. convert lbs to kg / g void convertLbs(const double* lbs_convert, double* kg, int* g) { convertLbsKg(lbs_convert, kg); convertLbsG(lbs_convert, g); } // Function: 11. calculate: servings based on gPerServ double calculateServings(const int volume, const int sum, double* result) { double i; i = (double)sum / (double)volume; if (result != NULL) { *result = i; } return(i); } // Function 12. calculate: cost per serving double calculateCostPerServing(const double* rate, const double* result, double* CostofResult) { double cost = 0; cost = *rate / *result; if (CostofResult != NULL) { *CostofResult = cost; } return(cost); } // Function 13. calculate: cost per calorie double calculateCostPerCal(const double* price, const double* calories, double* CostCalories) { double cost = 0; cost = *price / *calories; if (CostCalories != NULL) { *CostCalories = cost; } return(cost); } // Function 14. Derive a reporting detail record based on the cat food product data struct ReportData calculateReportData(const struct CatFoodInfo getDetailCatFood) { struct ReportData reportnfo; double calo; // For SKU, RATE, Weight and Calories reportinfo.sku = getDetailCatFood.sku; reportinfo.rate = getDetailCatFood.product_rate; reportinfo.weightLbs = getDetailCatFood.weight_lbs; reportinfo.calories = getDetailCatFood.calories; // For kg and g = convertLbsKg(&getDetailCatFood.weight_lbs, &; reportinfo.g = convertLbsG(&getDetailCatFood.weight_lbs, &reportinfo.g); reportinfo.sumServe = calculateServings(TOTAL_GRAMS, reportinfo.g, &reportinfo.sumServe); reportinfo.perServe = calculateCostPerServing(&reportinfo.rate, &reportinfo.sumServe, &reportinfo.perServe); calo = reportinfo.calories * reportinfo.sumServe; reportinfo.calPerServe = calculateCostPerCal(&reportinfo.rate, &calo, &reportinfo.calPerServe); return(reportinfo); } // Function 15. Display the formatted table header for the analysis results void displayReportHeader(void) { printf("\n"); printf("Analysis Report (Note: Serving = %dg)\n", TOTAL_GRAMS); printf("---------------\n"); printf("SKU $Price Bag-lbs Bag-kg Bag-g Cal/Serv Servings $/Serv $/Cal\n"); printf("------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- ------- -------\n"); } // Function 16. Display the formatted data row in the analysis table void displayReportData(const struct ReportData reportinfo, const int cheap) { printf("%07d %10.2lf %10.1lf %10.4lf %9d %8d %8.1lf %7.2lf %7.5lf", reportinfo.sku, reportinfo.rate, reportinfo.weightLbs,, reportinfo.g, reportinfo.calories, reportinfo.sumServe, reportinfo.perServe, reportinfo.calPerServe); } // Function 17. Display the Cheapest Findings void displayFinalAnalysis(const struct CatFoodInfo cheaper_product) { printf("\n"); printf("Final Analysis\n--------------\n"); printf("Based on the comparison data, the PURRR-fect economical option is:\n"); printf("SKU:%07d Price: $%.2lf\n\n", cheaper_product.sku, cheaper_product.product_rate); printf("Happy shopping!\n"); } // 7. Logic entry point void start(void) { struct CatFoodInfo catFoodDetail[MAXIMUM_PRODUCT]; int i = 0, cheapproduct = 0; openingMessage(MAXIMUM_PRODUCT); for (i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_PRODUCT; i++) { catFoodDetail[i] = getCatFoodInfo(i); } displayCatFoodHeader(); for (i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_PRODUCT; i++) { displayCatFoodData(catFoodDetail[i].sku, catFoodDetail[i].product_rate, catFoodDetail[i].calories, catFoodDetail[i].weight_lbs); } struct ReportData reportArray[MAXIMUM_PRODUCT]; displayReportHeader(); for (i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_PRODUCT; i++) { reportArray[i] = calculateReportData(catFoodDetail[i]); if (reportArray[i].perServe < reportArray[i - 1].perServe) { cheapproduct = i; } } int j; for (j = 0; j < MAXIMUM_PRODUCT; j++) { struct ReportData x = { 0 }; x = reportArray[j]; displayReportData(x, cheapproduct); if (cheapproduct == j) { printf(" *"); } printf("\n"); } displayFinalAnalysis(catFoodDetail[cheapproduct]); } w6p2.h (header file): #include <stdio.h> #define MAXIMUM_PRODUCT 3 #define TOTAL_GRAMS 64 #define KG_IN_LBS 2.20462 struct CatFoodInfo { int sku; double product_rate; int calories; double weight_lbs; }; struct ReportData { int sku; double rate; int calories; double weightLbs; double kg; int g; double sumServe; double perServe; double calPerServe; }; // Function prototypes // =================== // Function: 1. Get user input of int type and validate for a positive number int getIntPositive(int* i_num); // Function: 2. Get user input of double type and validate for a positive number double getDoublePositive(double* d_num); // Function: 3. Opening Message void openingMessage(const int msg); // Function: 4. Get user input for cat food product struct CatFoodInfo getCatFoodInfo(const int i); // Function: 5. Display the formatted table header void displayCatFoodHeader(void); // Function: 6. Display a formatted record of cat food data void displayCatFoodData(const int sku, const double* rate, const double* weight, const int cal_serve) // Function: 8. convert lbs to kg double convertLbsKg(const double* lbs, double* kg); // Function: 9. convert lbs to g int convertLbsG(const double* lbs, int* g); // Function: 10. convert lbs to kg / g void convertLbs(const double* lbs_convert, double* kg, int* g); // Function: 11. calculate: servings based on gPerServ double calculateServings(const int volume, const int sum, double* result); // Function: 12. calculate: cost per serving double calculateCostPerServing(const double* rate, const double* result, double* CostofResult); // Function: 13. calculate: cost per calorie double calculateCostPerCal(const double* price, const double* calories, double* CostCalories); // Function: 14. Derive a reporting detail record based on the cat food product data struct ReportData calculateReportData(const struct CatFoodInfo getDetailCatFood); // Function: 15. Display the formatted table header for the analysis results void displayReportHeader(void); // Function: 16. Display the formatted data row in the analysis table void displayReportData(const struct ReportData reportinfo, const int cheap); // Function: 17. Display the Cheapest Findings void displayFinalAnalysis(const struct CatFoodInfo cheaper_product); // Function: 7. Logic entry point void start(void);
The error message I got:
w6p2.c:1:2: error: expected identifier or '(' */ ^ In file included from w6p2.c:4: ./w6p2.h:56:1: error: unknown type name 'data' data ^ w6p2.c:76:6: error: conflicting types for 'displayCatFoodData' void displayCatFoodData(const int sku, const double price, const int calories, const double lbs) ^ ./w6p2.h:39:6: note: previous declaration is here void displayCatFoodData(const int sku, const double* rate, const double* weight, ^ w6p2.c:196:46: error: passing 'double' to parameter of incompatible type 'const double *'; take the address with & displayCatFoodData(catFoodDetail[i].sku, catFoodDetail[i].product_rate, catFoodDetail[i].calories, catFoodDetail[i].weight_lbs); ^~~~~~~~~~~ & ./w6p2.h:39:54: note: passing argument to parameter 'rate' here void displayCatFoodData(const int sku, const double* rate, const double* weight, ^
In the above code, there are minute errors, that are taken care of, and the desired output is obtained.
There are two structures defined here, which are CatFoodInfo and ReportData. The structure CatFoodInfo has four data members to describe the characteristics of particular cat food, and the structure ReportData has nine data members which report a particular cat food.
The function getIntPositive() takes in a pointer and asks the user to enter a positive integer and assigns it to the pointer.
And the function getDoublePositive() takes in a double-pointer, gets a double value from the user, which is positive, and assigns it to that pointer.
The function getCatFoodInfo() get the info about a particular CatFoodInfo structure variable from user.
And the function displayCatFoodData() displays the details of a CatFoodInfo structure variable.
The function displayCatFoodHeader() displays a table header.
Similar functions are present for ReportData also, which are displayReportData and displayReportDataHeader.
The function convertLbs converts Lbs to Kg and also Lbs to gm, by calling two other functions convertLbsKg and convertLbsG.
The function calculateServings is defined to find the serving of the data.
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h> #define MAXIMUM_PRODUCT 3 #define TOTAL_GRAMS 64 #define KG_IN_LBS 2.20462 struct CatFoodInfo { int sku; double product_rate; int calories; double weight_lbs; }; struct ReportData { int sku; double rate; int calories; double weightLbs; double kg; int g; double sumServe; double perServe; double calPerServe; }; // Function prototypes // =================== // Function: 1. Get user input of int type and validate for a positive number int getIntPositive(int* i_num); // Function: 2. Get user input of double type and validate for a positive number double getDoublePositive(double* d_num); // Function: 3. Opening Message void openingMessage(const int msg); // Function: 4. Get user input for cat food product struct CatFoodInfo getCatFoodInfo(const int i); // Function: 5. Display the formatted table header void displayCatFoodHeader(void); // Function: 6. Display a formatted record of cat food data void displayCatFoodData(const int sku, const double rate, const int cal_serve, const double weight); // Function: 8. convert lbs to kg double convertLbsKg(const double* lbs, double* kg); // Function: 9. convert lbs to g int convertLbsG(const double* lbs, int* g); // Function: 10. convert lbs to kg / g void convertLbs(const double* lbs_convert, double* kg, int* g); // Function: 11. calculate: servings based on gPerServ double calculateServings(const int volume, const int sum, double* result); // Function: 12. calculate: cost per serving double calculateCostPerServing(const double* rate, const double* result, double* CostofResult); // Function: 13. calculate: cost per calorie double calculateCostPerCal(const double* price, const double* calories, double* CostCalories); // Function: 14. Derive a reporting detail record based on the cat food product data struct ReportData calculateReportData(const struct CatFoodInfo getDetailCatFood); // Function: 15. Display the formatted table header for the analysis results void displayReportHeader(void); // Function: 16. Display the formatted data row in the analysis table void displayReportData(const struct ReportData reportinfo, const int cheap); // Function: 17. Display the Cheapest Findings void displayFinalAnalysis(const struct CatFoodInfo cheaper_product); // Function: 7. Logic entry point void start(void); // Function: 1. Get user input of int type and validate for a positive number int getIntPositive(int* i_num) { int integer_num = 0; do { scanf("%d", &integer_num); if (integer_num < 1) { printf("ERROR: Enter a positive value: "); } } while (integer_num < 1); if (i_num != NULL) { *i_num = integer_num; } return(integer_num); } // Function: 2. Get user input of double type and validate for a positive number double getDoublePositive(double* d_num) { double double_num = 0.0; while (double_num < 1.0) { scanf("%lf", &double_num); if (double_num < 1) { printf("ERROR: Enter a positive value: "); } } if (d_num != NULL) { *d_num = double_num; } return(double_num); } // Function: 3. Opening Message void openingMessage(const int msg) { printf("Cat Food Cost Analysis\n"); printf("======================\n\n"); printf("Enter the details for %d dry food bags of product data for analysis.\n", MAXIMUM_PRODUCT); printf("NOTE: A 'serving' is %dg\n\n", TOTAL_GRAMS); } // Function: 4. Get user input for cat food product struct CatFoodInfo getCatFoodInfo(const int i) { struct CatFoodInfo foodData = { 0 }; double Rate, Weight; int Sku, Calories; printf("Cat Food Product #%d\n", i + 1); printf("--------------------\n"); printf("SKU : "); foodData.sku = getIntPositive(&Sku); printf("PRICE : $"); foodData.product_rate = getDoublePositive(&Rate); printf("WEIGHT (LBS) : "); foodData.weight_lbs = getDoublePositive(&Weight); printf("CALORIES/SERV.: "); foodData.calories = getIntPositive(&Calories); printf("\n"); return(foodData); } // Function: 5. Display the formatted table header void displayCatFoodHeader(void) { printf("\n"); printf("SKU $Price Bag-lbs Cal/Serv\n"); printf("------- ---------- ---------- --------\n"); } // Function: 6. Display a formatted record of cat food data void displayCatFoodData(const int sku, const double price, const int calories, const double lbs) { printf("%07d %10.2lf %10.1lf %8d\n", sku, price, lbs, calories); } // Function: 8. convert lbs to kg double convertLbsKg(const double* lbs, double* kg) { double i; i = *lbs / KG_IN_LBS; if (kg != NULL) { *kg = i; } return(i); } // Function: 9. convert lbs to g int convertLbsG(const double* lbs, int* g) { int j; j = convertLbsKg(lbs, 0) * 1000; if (g != NULL) { *g = j; } return(j); } // Function: 10. convert lbs to kg / g void convertLbs(const double* lbs_convert, double* kg, int* g) { convertLbsKg(lbs_convert, kg); convertLbsG(lbs_convert, g); } // Function: 11. calculate: servings based on gPerServ double calculateServings(const int volume, const int sum, double* result) { double i; i = (double)sum / (double)volume; if (result != NULL) { *result = i; } return(i); } // Function 12. calculate: cost per serving double calculateCostPerServing(const double* rate, const double* result, double* CostofResult) { double cost = 0; cost = *rate / *result; if (CostofResult != NULL) { *CostofResult = cost; } return(cost); } // Function 13. calculate: cost per calorie double calculateCostPerCal(const double* price, const double* calories, double* CostCalories) { double cost = 0; cost = *price / *calories; if (CostCalories != NULL) { *CostCalories = cost; } return(cost); } // Function 14. Derive a reporting detail record based on the cat food product data struct ReportData calculateReportData(const struct CatFoodInfo getDetailCatFood) { struct ReportData reportinfo; double calo; // For SKU, RATE, Weight and Calories reportinfo.sku = getDetailCatFood.sku; reportinfo.rate = getDetailCatFood.product_rate; reportinfo.weightLbs = getDetailCatFood.weight_lbs; reportinfo.calories = getDetailCatFood.calories; // For kg and g = convertLbsKg(&getDetailCatFood.weight_lbs, &; reportinfo.g = convertLbsG(&getDetailCatFood.weight_lbs, &reportinfo.g); reportinfo.sumServe = calculateServings(TOTAL_GRAMS, reportinfo.g, &reportinfo.sumServe); reportinfo.perServe = calculateCostPerServing(&reportinfo.rate, &reportinfo.sumServe, &reportinfo.perServe); calo = reportinfo.calories * reportinfo.sumServe; reportinfo.calPerServe = calculateCostPerCal(&reportinfo.rate, &calo, &reportinfo.calPerServe); return(reportinfo); } // Function 15. Display the formatted table header for the analysis results void displayReportHeader(void) { printf("\n"); printf("Analysis Report (Note: Serving = %dg)\n", TOTAL_GRAMS); printf("---------------\n"); printf("SKU $Price Bag-lbs Bag-kg Bag-g Cal/Serv Servings $/Serv $/Cal\n"); printf("------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- ------- -------\n"); } // Function 16. Display the formatted data row in the analysis table void displayReportData(const struct ReportData reportinfo, const int cheap) { printf("%07d %10.2lf %10.1lf %10.4lf %9d %8d %8.1lf %7.2lf %7.5lf", reportinfo.sku, reportinfo.rate, reportinfo.weightLbs,, reportinfo.g, reportinfo.calories, reportinfo.sumServe, reportinfo.perServe, reportinfo.calPerServe); } // Function 17. Display the Cheapest Findings void displayFinalAnalysis(const struct CatFoodInfo cheaper_product) { printf("\n"); printf("Final Analysis\n--------------\n"); printf("Based on the comparison data, the PURRR-fect economical option is:\n"); printf("SKU:%07d Price: $%.2lf\n\n", cheaper_product.sku, cheaper_product.product_rate); printf("Happy shopping!\n"); } // 7. Logic entry point int main() { struct CatFoodInfo catFoodDetail[MAXIMUM_PRODUCT]; int i = 0, cheapproduct = 0; openingMessage(MAXIMUM_PRODUCT); for (i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_PRODUCT; i++) { catFoodDetail[i] = getCatFoodInfo(i); } displayCatFoodHeader(); for (i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_PRODUCT; i++) { displayCatFoodData(catFoodDetail[i].sku, catFoodDetail[i].product_rate, catFoodDetail[i].calories, catFoodDetail[i].weight_lbs); } struct ReportData reportArray[MAXIMUM_PRODUCT]; displayReportHeader(); for (i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_PRODUCT; i++) { reportArray[i] = calculateReportData(catFoodDetail[i]); if (reportArray[i].perServe < reportArray[i - 1].perServe) { cheapproduct = i; } } int j; for (j = 0; j < MAXIMUM_PRODUCT; j++) { struct ReportData x = { 0 }; x = reportArray[j]; displayReportData(x, cheapproduct); if (cheapproduct == j) { printf(" *"); } printf("\n"); } displayFinalAnalysis(catFoodDetail[cheapproduct]); }
Also read, Break and Continue in C