Convert the collaboration diagram below to an interaction/sequence diagram showing call scope lines.


Convert the collaboration diagram below to an interaction/sequence diagram showing call scope lines.


interaction/sequence diagram



A cooperation diagram is provided in the question, which demonstrates how the window is drawn. The cooperation diagram must be converted to a sequence diagram with its call scope lines. We utilize a visual paradigm tool to create a sequence diagram collaboration diagram.


In UML, a collaboration diagram, also known as a communication diagram, depicts the interaction between software components and specifies how they communicate.

1. The user wants to redisplay, thus he moves to the controller, as shown in the cooperation diagram above.

2. After that, he shows the window wire by wire.

3. The wire is drawn by the following:

a. The point on the left is taken

b. The correct point is made

c. A line has been drawn

The line is drawn n times in a loop.

4. The window appears on the screen.


In a UML diagram, a sequence diagram is sometimes referred to as a behavioral diagram. It depicts the steps being carried out in sequential order. A sequence diagram can be used to comprehend the steps involved in completing a task.


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