Convert an ASCII code to a character in Python



In this blog, we would discuss Convert an ASCII code to a character in Python. If you want to convert an ASCII code to a character, you can do it manually by using the ASCII table. The ASCII table is a mapping of characters to numbers, and you can use it to look up the character for a given ASCII code. To convert an ASCII code to a character, first find the code in the ASCII table. The code will be a number between 0 and 255. Then, find the character that corresponds to that code. For example, if you want to convert the ASCII code for the letter A, you would find code 65 in the ASCII table. The character that corresponds to that code is A.


Convert an ASCII code to a character in Python


If you want to convert an ASCII code to a character in Python, you can use the chr function. This function takes an ASCII code as an argument and returns the corresponding character. For example, if you want to convert the ASCII code for the letter A to a character, you would use the following: 





You can also use the chr function to convert a string of ASCII codes to characters. For example, if you have a string that contains the ASCII codes for the letters A, B, and C, you can use the following:


s = '65 66 67'.split()
for i in s:



You can also use the chr function to convert a list of ASCII codes to characters. For example, if you have a list that contains the ASCII codes for the letters A, B, and C, you can use the following: 


l = [65, 66, 67]
for i in l:



Python provides a built-in function called ord that takes a character and returns the corresponding ASCII code. You can use this function to convert a character to its ASCII code. To convert an ASCII code to a character, you can use the chr function. This function takes an ASCII code and returns the corresponding character. If you want to convert a string of characters to ASCII codes, you can use the map function. This function takes a function and a string, and applies the function to each character in the string. For example, if you want to convert a string to a list of ASCII codes, you can do this


s = 'hello world'

list(map(ord, s))


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