Control Statement in C++

Control Statement in C++

Control Statement in C++ are as follows

    • if statement
    • if-else statement
    • if-else-if ladder

1. If Statement in C++

An ‘if’ statement consists of a boolean expression.’If’ statement is used ro specify a block of code to be executed if condition is true and If the condition is false then code inside body of ‘if’ is skipped.

Syntax of if statement

//code to be executed    

Program of if statement in C++

#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
int main () {  
   int num = 10;    
            if (num % 2 == 0)    
                cout<<"Number is even";    
   return 0;  


Number is even

2. If-else Statement in C++

The if-else statement in C++  tests the given condition. It executes when if condition is true. If the condition evaluates false then code inside the body of else is skipped from execution

Syntax of if else statement

//code if condition is true    
//code if condition is false    

Program of if else statement in C++

#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
int main () {  
   int num = 15;    
            if (num % 2 == 0)    
                cout<<"Number is even";    
                cout<<"Number is odd";    
   return 0;  


It is odd number

3. IF-else-if ladder Statement in C++

Syntax of if else if statement

if(expression 1)
else if(expression 2) 
else if(expression 3 ) 

Here, code block1 is executed only when condition1 is true. And if it is false then condition2 is executed.

Code block 2 is executed only when  condition2 is true. And if it is false then code block 2 executed


Program of if else if statement in C++

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
int main( )
    int a=20;
    if( a%5==0 && a%8==0)
        cout << "divisible by both 2 and 10";
    else if( a%8==0 )
        cout << "divisible by 2";
    else if(a%5==0)
        cout << "divisible by 10";
        cout << "None";
return 0;


divisible by both 2 and 10


Read more, Comments in C++

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